Discipline: Computer Information Systems
Originator: Mark Lehr

Riverside Community College District
Integrated Course Outline of Record

Computer Information Systems 834
CIS-834 : Historical Perspective: Napier to Torvalds
Lecture Hours: 9.000
Outside-of-Class Hours: 18.000
Total Student Learning Hours: 27.000
Grading Methods: Pass/No Pass
Course Description
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit Recommendation: Non-Credit

The need for accurate and subsequently ever faster computations in science and engineering provides the background for the age of computers. Beginning with the development of logarithms and proceeding to the development and deployment of super computer computations using the Linux operating system. 9 hours lecture.
Short Description for Class Schedule
A brief history of computation from the development of logarithms to quantum computing.
Entrance Skills:
Before entering the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following activities:
  1. Identify historical figures that have influenced the computing field.
  2. Discuss concepts that have influenced the computing field.
  3. Recognize key software developments used in operating systems and applications.
  4. Explain key hardware developments impacting coding platforms.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:
  1. Describe the important concepts and personalities associated with the computer age.
  2. Describe the important aspects of hardware and software associated with the computer age.
Course Content:
  1. A very short list of personalities and their contributions impacting the computer age:
    1. Napier
    2. Oughtred
    3. Stone-Weierstrass
    4. Babbage
    5. Ada
    6. Von Neumann
    7. Turing
    8. Codd
    9. Diffie-Hellman
    10. Ritchie
    11. Torvald
  2. A very short list of hardware and software concepts in the computer age:
    1. Slide Rules
    2. Calculators
    3. Spreadsheets
    4. Analog vs. Digital vs. Hybrid
    5. Main Frame
    6. Databases
    7. Encryption
    8. Servers
    9. Quantum computing
    10. The Blockchain
Methods of Instruction:
Methods of instruction used to achieve student learning outcomes may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
  • Presentation of class lectures/discussions/demonstrations in order to clarify the topics associated with the computer age.
  • Web-based/web-enhanced/online/distance learning tasks/activities to reinforce understanding of concepts related to the computer age.
  • Online and Laboratory activities and application assignments.
  • Projects in order to facilitate and demonstrate historical perspectives.
  • Collaborative projects/cooperative learning tasks in order to encourage students to develop and apply team work skills.
  • Pair and small group activities/discussion to enhance student understanding of programming concepts.
  • Class exercises to write small papers associated with key concepts.
  • Handouts to assist student learning and to capture critical ideas.
  • Individual conferences.
  • Guest lecturers to emphasize certain critical topics plus  expose students to current programming trends.
Methods of Evaluation:
Students will be evaluated for progress in and/or mastery of student learning outcomes using methods of evaluation which may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ knowledge of a historical perspective with respect to the computer age.
  • Collaborative projects designed to demonstrate team work skills.
Sample Assignments:
Outside-of-Class Reading Assignments
  • The primary assignments for this course involve researching the personalities, hardware, software associated with the computer age.
    • Review Alan Turing and the Enigma.
    • Discover the developer of C and Unix.
    • Investigate the differencing engine that started the age of computing.
Outside-of-Class Writing Assignments
  • Assignments for this course involve writing on the personalities, software and hardware aspects of the computer age.
    • Write a synopsis about the Enigma and how the scientist cracked the code.
    • Write a bio about Dennis Ritchie and his contributions to the internet.
    • Write a paper about the first mechanical computing device.
Other Outside-of-Class Assignments
Course Materials:
All materials used in this course will be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate for college level instruction. Possible texts include the following:
  • https://www.thocp.net/reference/sciences/mathematics/logarithm_hist.htm
  • http://www.oughtred.org/history.shtml
  • https://www.dwavesys.com/quantum-computing
Board of Trustees Approval Date: 01/15/2019
COR Rev Date: 01/15/2019