Riverside City College

CSC-8 : Programming Concepts: Python

Synopsis → This is a 3 unit credit course for students that need an introduction to Python. It is meant to be elementary, no prior programming experience necessary. If you acquire these Python concepts without difficulty, and enjoy\ed the process, then you might consider taking CIS 1a and CSC 5 to explore your further potential as a coder or software engineer. If you already know how to code and want to pick up Python, then consider this an easy structured way of obtaining a good start.

  1. Each Monday review the weekly module in canvas for the topics to be covered.

  2. Do the assigned work relating to the module.

  3. Attend the Thursday Review Section in zoom for answers to questions and directions.

Instructor: Dr. Mark E. Lehr

E-Mail: mark.lehr@rcc.edu, However, it is best to email in CANVAS

Online Office Hours: Tue-Thur 6:00PM to 7:00PM ZOOM Hyperlink

Online Lecture Hours: Tue-Thur 7:00PM to 9:00PM ZOOM Hyperlink

Outline: Hyperlink

No-Required Text, however, I will be using the following as a reference!

Paperback :544 pages

Required Materials

Anaconda → https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

Course Description

Introduction to the discipline of computer science incorporating problem definitions, algorithm development, and structured programming logic for business, scientific and mathematical applications. The Python language will be used for programming projects

Prerequisite - Advisory

MAT-5 or MAT-12 or MAT-36

Student Learning Outcomes

      1. Describe the principles of structured programming and be able to design, implement and test structured programs.

      2. Explain what an algorithm is and its importance in computer programming.

      3. Use pseudocode, flowcharts, and a programming language to implement, test, and debug algorithms for solving problems. Identify the information requirements, synthesize the algorithmic steps needed to transform the data input into the required output information, and organize the output format to facilitate user communication.

      4. Apply the principles of logical and programming concepts to develop solutions for gaming, business, scientific and mathematical problems.


12 Weekly Homework Assignments = 30%

Projects 1 and 2 = 35%

Midterm and Final = 35%

Online Resources

Online Python IDE (no installation necessary!): https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_compiler

Class Schedule(16week normal semester session)

Weeks 1-3 -> Cover IDE's, primitive data types,operations and operator precedence

Syntax/Comments - Week1

Variables - Week 1

Casting/Operations - Week 2

Booleans/Conditionals- Week 2

List/Sets - Week 3

Tuples/Dictionaries - Week 3

Weeks 4-7 -> Looping / Branching Operations

Lists with the for-loop – Week 4

Dictionaries with for-loop - Week 5

Independent If Statments - Week 6

Dependent If Statements - Week 6

The While Loop - Week 7

Styling Code - Week 7

Weeks 8 ->Project 1 / Midterm

Weeks 9-15 -> More Advanced Concepts

Python Arrays and Functions – Week 9

Other Python Modules - Week 10

File Open/Read/Write - Week 11

File Delete/JSON Format - Week 12

Plotting - Week 13

Classes and Plot types - Week 14

Weeks 16 ->Project 2 / Final

Lab Hours

Monday to Thursday 11 to 2pm, 6 to 9pm → https://rcc-ist-computer-lab.com/users/kiosk

Statement on Academic Dishonesty:

RCC defines plagiarism as, “Presenting another person’s language (spoken or written), ideas, artistic works or thoughts as if they were one’s own.” This includes using someone elses C++ code. Plagiarism is academically dishonest. Students must make appropriate acknowledgment of the original source where material written or compiled by another is used.” Cheating or dishonest practices, such as turning in the writing of someone else and claiming it as your own, will result in your receiving a failing grade on the assignment and possibly for the course.

ADA Information

Please let me know if you need accommodations for a documented disability. The office of Services to Students with Disabilities will also be able to provide help and assistance.


Riverside City College School of Business embraces a notion of an intellectual community enriched by diversity with multiple dimensions, including race, ethnicity and national origin, gender, gender identity, sexuality, class, and religion. We are particularly committed to populations that have historically been excluded from equitable participation in the classroom, higher education institutions, and our communities. Individually, we are devoted to addressing our unconscious bias to pave the way for a more inclusive curriculum and learning environment.