Discipline: Computer Science
CIS-Computer Information Systems
Degree Credit  [X]
Non Credit  [ ]
Nondegree Credit  [ ]
Comm Service  [ ]

Riverside Community College District
Integrated Course Outline of Record

Computer Science 14A

College: R_X_ M___ N_X_
CSC-14A: Web Programming: JavaScript
Same as: CIS- 14A
Lecture Hours: 54
Lab Hours: 18
Units: 3.00

Prerequisite(s): None.

Advisory: Previous programming experience and knowledge of HTML , CIS 5 or CSC 5 and CIS 72A
Fundamentals of JavaScript programming for the world wide web for students already familiar with the fundamentals of programming and HTML. Language features will include control structures, functions, arrays, JavaScript objects, browser objects and events. Web applications will include image rollovers, user interactivity, manipulating browser windows, form validation and processing, cookies, creating dynamic content, and Dynamic HTML programming. 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. (TBA option)(Letter Grade, or Pass/No Pass option.)

Introduction to JavaScript programming with world wide web applications including image rollovers, browser windows, forms, cookies, and Dynamic HTML.(Same as CIS-14A.)
Before entering the course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and understand the basic control structures in a structured programming language.
    • CSC 5 - Demonstrate the fundamentals of computer programming, problem solving, and software design.

  2. Identify and understand the basic HTML tags involved in the structure of typical Web pages.
    • CIS 72A - Create and format a typical 5 to 10 page small business or personal Web site using XHTML and CSS styles.
    • CIS 72A - Create valid, properly structured XHTML pages containing headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, lists, and images.

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

Create JavaScript programs that will run successfully in a browser
using various data types, variables, operators, expressions,
statements, decisions, loops, and functions.

  1. Critical Thinking - Analyze and solve complex problems across a range of academic and everyday contexts
  2. Information Skills - Demonstrate computer literacy

Write effective scripts using JavaScript core objects, properties, and
methods, including the Array, Math, String, and Date objects.

  1. Information Skills - Demonstrate computer literacy
  2. Critical Thinking - Analyze and solve complex problems across a range of academic and everyday contexts

Write scripts that effectively validate forms, manipulate frames and
windows, and employ cookies.

  1. Critical Thinking - Analyze and solve complex problems across a range of academic and everyday contexts
  2. Information Skills - Demonstrate computer literacy

Write scripts that apply the usage of objects, properties, methods,
and events of the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide real
world web site features and enhancements.

  1. Critical Thinking - Analyze and solve complex problems across a range of academic and everyday contexts
  2. Information Skills - Demonstrate computer literacy


  1. JavaScript Core Language Features
    1. Introduction To Scripting
    2. Control Structures (decisions using if and switch and loops using while and for)
    3. Functions (when to use them and how to use them)
    4. Arrays (declaring, populating, use with loops, array methods)
    5. JavaScript Objects (to include the Math, String, and Date objects)
    6. Programming the Browser
    7. Browser Objects and Events (to include document, form, and window objects,mouseover, mouseout, focus, change, and click events)
    8. Cascading Style Sheets (basic CSS styles, relationship between CSS and JavaScript)
    9. Document Object Model (to include DOM basics, get ElementById method)
    10. DHTML Programming Fundamentals
  2. Web Based Applications:
    1. Validating Forms
    2. Image Rollovers
    3. Pop-Up Windows
    4. Browser Detection
    5. Menus
    6. Cookies 
    7. Animation
    8. Shopping Cart
Methods of instruction used to achieve student learning outcomes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Create and present lectures, demonstrations, video presentations, and online activities in order to create JavaScript programs that will run successfully in a browser using various data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, decisions, loops, and functions
  • Create and present lectures, demonstrations, video presentations, and online activities in order to write effective scripts using JavaScript core objects, properties, and methods, including the Array, Math, String, and Date objects
  • Create and present lectures, demonstrations, video presentations, and online activities in order to write scripts that effectively validate forms, manipulate frames and windows, and employ cookies
  • Create and present lectures, demonstrations, video presentations, and online activities in order write scripts that apply the usage of objects, properties, methods, and events of the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide real world Web site features and enhancements
  • Develop and assign computer laboratory activities, Web page assignments, and Web site projects in order to create JavaScript programs that will run successfully in a browser using various data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, decisions, loops, and functions
  • Develop and assign computer laboratory activities, Web page assignments, and Web site projects in order to write effective scripts using JavaScript core objects, properties, and methods, including the Array, Math, String, and Date objects
  • Develop and assign computer laboratory activities, Web page assignments, and Web site projects in order to write scripts that effectively validate forms, manipulate frames and windows, and employ cookies
  • Develop and assign computer laboratory activities, Web page assignments, and Web site projects in order to write scripts that apply the usage of objects, properties, methods, and events of the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide real world Web site features and enhancements
  • Create and administer quizzes and examinations designed to motivate and facilitate the acquisition of JavaScript programming skills
Students will be evaluated for progress in and/or mastery of learning outcomes by methods of evaluation which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ ability to create JavaScript programs that will run successfully in a browser using various data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, decisions, loops, and functions
  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ ability to write effective scripts using JavaScript core objects, properties, and methods, including the Array, Math, String, and Date objects
  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ ability to write scripts that effectively validate forms, manipulate frames and windows, and employ cookies
  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ ability to write scripts that apply the usage of objects, properties, methods, and events of the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide real world Web site features and enhancements
  • Computer exercises/assignments/projects designed to demonstrate and assess students’ ability to create JavaScript programs that will run successfully in a browser using various data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, decisions, loops, and functions
  • Computer exercises/assignments/projects designed to demonstrate and assess students’ ability to write effective scripts using JavaScript core objects, properties, and methods, including the Array, Math, String, and Date objects
  • Computer exercises/assignments/projects designed to demonstrate and assess students’ ability to write scripts that effectively validate forms, manipulate frames and windows, and employ cookies
  • Computer exercises/assignments/projects designed to demonstrate and assess students’ ability to write scripts that apply the usage of objects, properties, methods, and events of the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide real world Web site features and enhancements
  • Final examination designed to evaluate students’ overall achievement of course objectives in JavaScript programming skills

Outside-of-Class Reading Assignments
  • The primary assignments for this course involve programming web site features using JavaScript. To support that, students will be assigned  textbook reading that covers programming concepts and demonstrates usage of JavaScript.
  • Students will also be reading general web site content as well as JavaScript code, HTML code, and documentation which explains this code.

Outside-of-Class Writing Assignments
  • Assignments for this course involve writing JavaScript programming statements to form scripts which enhance Web page functionality.
  • Students will also be asked to document their work with explanations that clarify their code.

Other Outside-of-Class Assignments
  • The primary assignments for this course involve programming web site features using JavaScript.
All materials used in this course will be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate for college level instruction. Possible texts include:

  • David Flanagan. JavaScript, The Definitive Guide. 6th ed. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, 2011.
  • McDuffie, Tina. Javascript Concepts and Techniques. Wilsonville, OR: Franklin, Beedle & Associates Inc., 2003.