
CIS 17B C++ Programming: Advanced Objects

General Course Information


Contact Information

     Instructor:  Dr. Mark E. Lehr


     Office Hours:   HyperLink

     Phone:      (951) 222-8260



Course Description



Series: Learning Php, Mysql, Javascript, Css & Html5

Paperback: 812 pages

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 4 edition (December 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1491918667

ISBN-13: 978-1491918661


Series: Visual QuickStart Guide

Paperback: 528 pages

Publisher: Peachpit Press; 5 edition (July 9, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0134291255

ISBN-13: 978-0134291253


Learning Outcomes -> Student SLO’s

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

Write medium to large C++ programs individually and as part of a programming team effort.

Create programs that run in a multiprocessor environment such as but not limited to multimedia components.

Use C++ database connectivity “ODBC” with basic SQL to maintain and update records.


Course Requirements (assignments as a percentage of grade)

       Individual Projects  --  33%        Survey Engine and a Shopping Cart.

       Group Projects        --  33%        Game, group project.

       Homework              --  34%        Assigned Weekly


Grading Rubric 


Grade scale for entire course.  Quantitatively applied to the certification quizzes.  Subjectively applied based upon the rubric to everything else.

          90 - 100          A

          80 - 89            B

          70 - 79            C

          60 - 69            D

            0 - 59            F



Course Sequence of Study


    First Half of Course


  1. Chapters 13               Objects

  2. Chapters 14               Inheritance

  3. Chapters 1,2              Setup

  4. Chapters 3,4,6           Php constructs

  5. Chapters 5,7              Php functions/objects,etc….

  6. Chapters 8,9              Database design, MySQL

  7. Chapters 10,11          Accessing info, Forms

  8. Chapters 12               Cookies,Sessions,Exec

  9. Individual Projects and Team Presentations


Second Half of Course


10.   Chapter 13,14          Javascript Basics

11.   Chapter 14,15          Javascript Advanced

12.   Chapter 16               Regular Expressions

13.   Chapter 11               Files and directories

14.   Chapter 13               Putting it all together

15.   Selected Topics and Review

16.  Individual Projects and Team Presentations




1.      HTML 1

2.      HTML 2

3.      CSS 1

4.      CSS 2

5.      PHP


7.      DOM Events 1

8.      DOM Events 2


Course Structure – Expectations

     No late homework assignments, projects, or exams!

     No makeup projects, tests, or finals!

     Consideration will be given to students that are going out of town on business for the week, etc...  Must make prior arrangements with the instructor.  Homework is due the Sunday of the week it is assigned.


What to Expect from the Instructor

     Assignments - Homework assignments are simply pass/fail.  

     Email Responses - Allow a day or two but must have urgent in the subject.


Class Content Information Resources

  Plus numerous open source websites!


Course Requirements

Note: See Assignments section in Canvas for complete description of each course requirement.  You will earn points for completion of course requirements as described below:

Grading Scale for
Programming Elements

Homework, Projects, Presentations

Assignments - On a scale of 1 to 10

9 - 10 points

·         specifically addresses all parts of the Assignment

·         thoughtful, clearly commented and well organized code

·         demonstrates keen understanding of overall lesson content

·         integrates content of recommended programming components

·         shows relevancy to lesson content

·         raises additional questions or issues not specifically covered in class

·         includes justification and/or documentation to support results

·         includes programming content from other Chapters not covered in class

7 - 8 points

  • addresses Assignment in less specific terms

  • may not always address all parts of the program

  • code not always supported or justified

  • demonstrates good understanding of overall lesson content

  • may include digressions from lesson content

  • some integration of information

5 - 6 points

  • addresses Assignment general terms

  • does not address all parts of the Assignment

  • code frequently not supported or justified

  • demonstrates some understanding of overall lesson content

  • includes digressions from lesson content

  • organization and focus are inconsistent

3 - 5 points

  • organization and focus are poor

  • does not address most parts of the Assignment

  • code not supported or justified

  • demonstrates minimal understanding of overall lesson content

Less than 2 points

  • lacks organization and focus

  • shows no understanding of lesson content

  • fails to address any part of the Assignment

  • no unique application of concepts


Your grade in this class will be based on your performance on assignments, projects, and your participation in the on-line course and lab group projects. You will earn points for each course requirement completed; the number of points you earn determines the letter grade you receive according to the following scale:



90 - 100


80 - 89


70 -  79


60 -  69


Below 60


Class Information Resources

If you find internet resources related to course content on your own, please share that information with the class by posting it on the Class Discussion Board.

Accommodation of Disabilities


Riverside City College provides services to students with disabilities through the Disability Resource Center (DRC). To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please visit the DRC or contact the DRC staff at 222-8060. A DRC staff member will confidentially review your concerns with you to determine any required accommodations. Once your accommodations are approved through DRC, please bring your DRC documentation(s) to me so that we may discuss your accommodations.


Academic Honesty, Plagiarism, Cheating, etc.


Not necessary to steal code.  Document where and what was utilized then modified for the specific assignment. Document in your extensive comments throughout.  You will of course, only get credit for the modifications and additions.  However, if you claim it is yours, and it will be obvious when it is not, then refer to the Student Handbook about consequences.  Obviously, no credit will be given for the assignment.


Adding and Dropping the Course


Students adding this section will be provided with a four digit add/authorization code. You are responsible for completing the add process before the deadline to add. This deadline can be found in the Schedule of Classes available online in pdf format on the college’s website. Add codes can be processed through your WebAdvisor account. If you fail to add the class by the deadline, you are not officially enrolled and college policy prohibits you from continuing to attend class. Be aware that your failure to pay fees/fines, to document prerequisites, to clear academic holds, or to navigate personal problems may hinder you from adding this section. Please allow sufficient time to take care of these issues before the deadline to add. Adding this course after the published deadline will require documentation of extenuating circumstances involving severe illness, accident, or death of a family member.

The use of an add/authorization code issued to another student violates the Student Code of Conduct and will be referred to the Dean of Student Services for disciplinary action. The unauthorized use of an add code is grounds for removal from the course.


You may withdraw from this course by using WebAdvisor prior to the drop deadlines. Deadlines are available on WebAdvisor. If there is a hold restricting use of WebAdvisor for this purpose, you may bring a completed ADD/DROP card to the Admissions counter of the college and complete the process there. It is the student’s responsibility to drop this class should s/he decide no longer to attend.


Classroom Policies and Expectations of Student Behavior


Cellphone usage – don’t accept calls during class.

Common courtesy – required.

No eating and drinking in the classroom or lab.

Use appropriate language, proper classroom and online etiquette, etc.


Missed assignments are not accepted unless previously arranged.

Attendance is required.

Tardiness is unacceptable, and class participation in groups is required.



Riverside City College School of Business embraces a notion of an intellectual community enriched by diversity with multiple dimensions, including race, ethnicity and national origin, gender, gender identity, sexuality, class, and religion. We are particularly committed to populations that have historically been excluded from equitable participation in the classroom, higher education institutions, and our communities. Individually, we are devoted to addressing our unconscious bias to pave the way for a more inclusive curriculum and learning environment.