Riverside City College

CIS-830 : Introduction to Python Programming: Part 1


Synopsis → This is a non-credit course for students that want an introduction to Python. It is meant to be elementary, no prior programming experience necessary. If you acquire these Python concepts without difficulty, and enjoy\ed the process, then you should seriously consider taking CIS 1a and CIS 5 to explore your further potential as a coder or software engineer. If you already know how to code and want to pick up Python, then consider this an easy structured way of obtaining a good start.


1.      Each Tuesday review the weekly module in canvas for the topics to be covered.

2.      Do the assigned work relating to the module.

3.      Attend the Tuesday Review Section in zoom for answers to questions and directions.


Instructor: Dr. Mark E. Lehr

E-Mail: mark.lehr@rcc.edu

Online Hours: Non during Summer Session, By Appt.

Online Class Review Hours: Tuesday 8:00PM to 9:30PMhyper_link

Outline: hyper_link


No-Required Text, however, I will be using the following as a reference!


Paperback :544 pages

·         ISBN-10 :1593279280

·         ISBN-13 :978-1593279288



Required Materials

Anaconda → https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

However, if you can't get it installed, then we will have an online backup plan.


Course Description

An introduction to Python which emphasizes data types and formatted input/output.


Prerequisite - Advisory

None – Except the ability to use the internet, install applications, follow directions, etc.......


Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following activities:

1.      Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the Python programming language interpreter.

2.      Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of structured sequential statement programming concepts in Python: 
a. Variable declaration statements.
b. Sequential statements.
c. Data input and formatted data output statements.

3.      Demonstrate the ability of writing small to medium sized programs in Python. 


Each of the three courses comprising this series (CIS 830, 831, & 832) will be graded asPass/No Pass. The breakdown of grades in each course is as follows: 50%: Attendance (you must log your attendance for each class on Canvas, see below) 50%: Homework Assignments. In each course, a combined grade of 70% or higher will constitute a “Pass,” while anything lower will constitute a “No Pass.” As these are non-credit courses, the final grades should not be your primary focus. Rather, the focus should be on developing a new skill set and learning how you can use Python and programming in your coursework and your life.

Attendance will be tracked using assignments on Canvas. At the start of each class, complete the Canvas attendance assignment for that day by submitting the “word of the day” submit online in canvas. The word of the day will be stated somewhere in the online zoom lectures. Sometimes, class absences are unavoidable. Everyone is given one free absence that will not affect their attendance grade. Otherwise, you must attend each class, unless there is an emergency. In the event that there is an emergency, please send me an email in Canvas to let me know. Late homework may (or may not) be accepted at the discretion of the instructor. Please contact me if you feel that you need an extension on a homework assignment. Any unexcused, late homework is subject to 50% penalty.

Online Resources

Online Python IDE (no installation necessary!): https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_compiler

·         Python 3 Documentation (https://docs.python.org/3/)

·         Official Python 3 Tutorial (https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/)

·         Codecademy for Python 3 (https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python-3)

·         "Learn by Example" Python Tutorials (https://www.learnbyexample.org/python-introduction/)

·         Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/)

·         Anaconda Distribution for Python (https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/)

·         Online Programming Books (https://www.onlineprogrammingbooks.com/)

·         Online Python resource with built-in IDE (https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp)

·         Resources for Python-related terminology:

o    W3Schools (introductory): https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_ref_glossary.asp

o    Python Docs (more advanced): https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html


Tentative Class Schedule(16week normal semester session)

Weeks 1-6 -> Cover IDE's, primitive data types,operations and operator precedence

Syntax/Comments - Week1

Variables - Week 1

Casting/Operations - Week 2

Booleans/Conditionals- Week 3

List/Sets - Week 4

Tuples/Dictionaries - Week 5

Review of Concepts, Next Phase – Week 6



Lab Hours



Statement on Academic Dishonesty:

RCC defines plagiarism as, “Presenting another person’s language (spoken or written), ideas, artistic works or thoughts as if they were one’s own.” This includes using someone elses C++ code. Plagiarism is academically dishonest. Students must make appropriate acknowledgment of the original source where material written or compiled by another is used.” Cheating or dishonest practices, such as turning in the writing of someone else and claiming it as your own, will result in your receiving a failing grade on the assignment and possibly for the course.


ADA Information

Please let me know if you need accommodations for a documented disability. The office of Services to Students with Disabilities will also be able to provide help and assistance.




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