Discipline: Computer Information Systems
Originator: Paul Conrad

Riverside Community College District
Integrated Course Outline of Record

Computer Information Systems 832
CIS-832 : Introduction to Python Programming: Part 3
Lecture Hours: 18.000
Total Student Learning Hours: 18.000
Grading Methods: Pass/No Pass
Letter Grade
Course Description
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CIS-831
Course Credit Recommendation: Non-Credit

Introduction to functions, arrays and file input/output statements used in the Python programming language to further advance the student in developing business, gaming, scientific and mathematical applications. 18 hours lecture. (Letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Short Description for Class Schedule
Introduction to functions, arrays and file input/output statements used in the Python programming language.
Entrance Skills:
Before entering the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:
  1. Knowledge of sequential, decision, and iterative statements in Python for intermediate data manipulation.
    • CIS-831 - Create Python computer programs using sequential, decision and iterative statements for data input and output.
    • CIS-831 - Design, implement, test, and debug intermediate level programs that use sequential, decision, and iterative statements.
  2. Knowledge of the input statements and formatted output statements in Python.
    • CIS-831 - Create Python computer programs using sequential, decision and iterative statements for data input and output.
    • CIS-831 - Design, implement, test, and debug intermediate level programs that use sequential, decision, and iterative statements.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following activities:
  1. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of functions, arrays, and file input/output programming concepts in Python: 
    a. Creating and working with functions in Python.
    b. Creating and working with arrays in Python.
    c. Writing data to output files and reading data as input from files in Python
  2. Demonstrate the ability of writing intermediate level medium sized programs in Python using functions, arrays and file input/output. 
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:
  1. Create Python computer programs using functions, arrays, and file input/output.
  2. Design, implement, test, and debug intermediate level programs that use functions, arrays, and file input/output.
Course Content:
  1. Functions in Python
    1. Creating functions
    2. Using programmer-defined functions.
  2. Arrays in Python
    1. Creation of arrays
    2. Manipulating data in arrays
  3. File Input / Output
    1. Creating files to output program data
    2. Reading files to input data into programs
Methods of Instruction:
Methods of instruction used to achieve student learning outcomes may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
  • Presentation of class lectures/discussions/demonstrations in order to clarify computer programming in Python with computer problem solving, and software design concepts.
  • Presentation of class lectures/discussions/demonstrations in order to clarify the principles of structured programming in Python.
  • Web-based/web-enhanced/online/distance learning tasks/activities to reinforce understanding of concepts related to computer programming skills, computer problem solving, and software design in Python.
  • Online and Laboratory activities and application assignments in order to address areas of improvement in computer programming, computer problem solving, and software design in Python.
  • Projects in order to facilitate and demonstrate the acquisition of skills required to create computer programs in Python.
  • Collaborative Python programming projects/cooperative learning tasks in order to encourage students to develop and apply computer programming, computer problem solving, software design, and team work skills.
Methods of Evaluation:
Students will be evaluated for progress in and/or mastery of student learning outcomes using methods of evaluation which may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
  • Computer programs designed to demonstrate the acquisition of computer programming in Python with computer problem solving, and software design concepts and skills.
  • Quizzes/examinations designed to measure students’ degree of mastery of fundamental computer programming in Python and software design concepts and terminology.
  • Collaborative projects designed to demonstrate successful understanding and application of computer programming in Python with computer problem solving, software design, and team work skills.
  • Assignments/projects designed to clarify students’ individual computer programming in Python with computer problem solving, software design strengths and areas of improvement related to these skills.
  • Common final Python programming project designed to evaluate students’ overall achievement of course objectives in computer programming, computer problem solving, and software design concepts.
Sample Assignments:
Outside-of-Class Reading Assignments
  • Students will be assigned textbook reading and/or other resource reading that covers programming concepts and demonstrates usage of the Python programming language.
Outside-of-Class Writing Assignments
  • Assignments for this course involve writing Python programming statements to form complete programs that carry out specific tasks.  The programs are written, interpreted, debugged and executed to display solutions. 
  • Students will also be asked to document their work with written explanations that clarify their programming code. 
Other Outside-of-Class Assignments
  • Additional exercises can involve the creation of additional programs using Python that entail testing software and troubleshooting coded solutions to problems.
Course Materials:
All materials used in this course will be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate for college level instruction. Possible texts include the following:
  • Parker, James R.. Python: An Introduction to Programming. Mercury Learning and Information LLC, 2017.
Board of Trustees Approval Date: 01/15/2019
COR Rev Date: 01/15/2019